
Photos from the mountains in South Wales


Despite saying many times that I want to do urban photography and not nature photography, I’m staying in the countryside right now, so I’m giving nature a shot. (It’s more agriculture than wilderness around here, but let’s call it nature.)

In urban landscapes I’m obsessed with cranes, but in nature it seems I’m obsessed with fences.

Partly this is a way to force a sense of structure onto messy natural scenery, using the man-made fence as a frame.

Partly it is because nature is dense. In an urban environment, the space has been made open for you to walk around in it. There is not much in the foreground and you can often see all the way to tall structures in the background. But here, it is more normal for things to be up in my face, blocking my view, such as fences or tree branches.

Right now, a common sight in the foreground are the huge fields of foxgloves which popped up on the mountain since the trees were cut down.

The thing that looks like a staircase in the distance is an old quarry.

The thing that looks like a staircase in the distance is an old quarry.

tags: photography, wales.